

Poem by Elizabeth

(This is something that I wrote in Spanish, and now I've translated into English... So, if some phrases isn't well written, I apologise for that, I'm still learning!)

Winter Rain.

Hostile shadows that it moves
Going here and there
In a wailing ocean
Without finding escape.

The sun and the moon
Have no relevance
For a mournful body
Disguised of...

What's this?
What's the name given to people?
Which megalomaniac entity belong
All these words and all these things?

Traveling in a universe of nothingness
A non existent traveling
Draw the fantasy you want
And delineate your needs.

Irregular encounter
About being and nonbeing
A dream without dream
And time falling down...

Do it already
And don't look behind
Forget why
Forget the afterlife...

But winter rain remains here
Sometimes for days, sometimes for years
And finally, everything is
Much ado about nothing indeed.