

Buenaventura by Elizabeth

You are in the skies
The blond of your hairs
Make my feelings melt.

The sun in your eyes
The light of your words
They are taking shape
Little by little, they are penetrating my soul.

Wanting to stay, willing to be who I am
It has become a fact in my mind
Though there are disturbing shadows from the past
A call is keeping me in the present time.

So please, smile
You are in the stars
Slowly, you're ascending to blessedness.

Te veo en los cielos
El rubio de tus cabellos
Emblandece mis sentimientos.

El sol en tu mirada
La luz de tus palabras
Adquieren forma, poco a poco
Van calando en mi alma.

El querer estar, el querer ser
Ya es un hecho en mi mente
Mas las sombras del ayer sean insistentes
Hay una alarma que me mantiene presente.

Así que sonríe
Te veo en las estrellas
Poco a poco te vas elevando hacia la bienaventuranza.

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